Gosh I really have let this blog go haven't I.
So much is happening in our lives right now. Cooper is going to be 3 in less than a month and our baby Blake is 7 months old already. Time goes by way too quickly.
Our latest adventure and exciting news is that we're building again. Call us crazy but we LOVE building and we've found the most gorgeous block is a stunning estate nestled in the Gold Coast Hinterland, we are in love. It's about a 5min drive to the Hinze Dam and there is a gorgeous little country style school which the boys will go too less than 10min away. So we're currently waiting on our land to register and we've picked our house design. It's such an exciting time and I can't wait to have a brand new home to raise our boys in yet again.
Cooper is doing really well. He's becoming such an independant little boy with a wicked imagination. He's quite the baker in the kitchen and is constantly riding around on his imaginary motorbike, such a boy. We're loving the little man he's becoming.
Blake is days away from crawling. He's been moving around the house by shuffling or rolling but he's just started to actually move forward, it's lots of fun to watch. He's the most adorable and loving little boy. He's always got a gorgeous smile on his face and just adores his older brother. He cut it first tooth around easter time, just in time for choccie I bet. I can't believe how much he's growing.
Luke is currently on two weeks holiday which has been great. I love having him home and i'm both the boys will miss him as much as I when he has to go back to work on Monday.
I'll have some photo updates soon.