Monday, May 28, 2007


I still cannot believe that a year has passed. It was a year ago that I held you in my arms for the first time. You are the most adorable loving baby boy any Mother could ask for. Your Daddy and I love you more and more each day. You are now walking and are such a happy little man, always smiling.

Happy Birthday Cooper! Have a wonderful day baby boy!!
Everyone is coming over on Sunday for your big birthday party! Lots of cake and balloons!!

Blowing out your candle on the cake that Mummy made for Mothers Group, your picnic in the park with your friends

Opening your presents with Daddy

Riding on your very first bike that Mummy & Daddy got you

Monday, May 21, 2007

Blues On Broadbeach Festival

We headed down to Broadbeach on Sunday for the annual Blues Festival. The weather was perfect so we set up quite close to the main stage with our picnic blanket and chairs. Mum, Dad, Kia, Amanda & Tim also joined us. Luke had to stay home because he had his brother coming over to help with the car! Cooper had an absolute ball, he loves his music and was bopping away all afternoon.

The band I really wanted to see was Bondi Cigars and they were as good as I had expected. Mum & Dad were stoked to see Canned Heat who did the final act, they were brilliant and brought back alot of memories for my parents LOL!!

Cooper bopping away to Bondi Cigars

Dad (Pappy) & Cooper

Kia, Amanda & Cooper

Mum (Nan) and I being silly

Crashed out in Pappy's arms at the end of a long day dancing

Friday, May 18, 2007

MK Zebra Yarn Shorties by Inakid Knits

These gorgeous shorties arrived on our doorstep this morning and I am so... very happy with them!! I managed to score the yarn from Monsters Knits quite a while ago and then Kym agreed to knit them up for me!! The end result speaks for itself!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Coopers Photo Shoot

Cooper posing in his Itti Bitti AIO

Blue Eyed Boy

My Little Angel

Mothers Day

We enjoyed our first Mothers Day together on Sunday and I got spoilt rotten with a sleep in and then breakfast in bed! Cooper went shopping with Daddy and got me some funky pink slippers and a pamper package and gorgeous card! Very nice!!

We spent the morning relaxing together and then headed to my Mums for lunch and then onto Luke's Mums for afternoon tea!! Unfortunately I ended up spending the afternoon with my head in the toilet with a tummy bug, poor me :(

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sandman Heaven

We received the ultimate night nappy from Michelle at Sustainable Hemp Products!!

This is our custom made Sandman, we are in love!! I love the fabric, too good to be covered. The fit is great on the little man and it holds up to his puddles overnight.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ottobre Soaker

I started knitting again!

I think the last time I knitted previously was in high school and it was a simple scarf. I am really enjoying it and have become quite obsessed with the seach for gorgeous yarn!

This Ottobre Soaker was knitted up in yarn from Susannes House of Wool, it's called "Ocean"

The colours really suit Cooper, very vibrant!!