He has an amazing bond with my Dad. Whom he lovingly calls Pappy. Although i'm not sure who he loves more, Pappy or Pappy's motorbike.
On a recent visit down to see my parents, Dad (Pappy) decided it would be a good idea to make Cooper a sandpit for when he comes and visits. So next thing we know he's out there with Cooper removing bricks from the patio and creating every little boys dream, a sandpit. It was the cutest sight to see them getting all excited as each brick that was removed created a border for the sandpit. They then headed off in the car to get some sand. Two hours later they returned from good old Bunnings along with sand and of course a full supply of buckets and spades and they even stopped at the toy shop and got some trucks to complete the masterpiece. And being typically male Dad suddenly realised that he had built this sandpit only metres from the back door and that Mum probably wouldn't be impressed with the amounts of sand that was now going to be trapsed inside.
Oh well, what they do for their grandchildren hey ??