We have just spent the last weekend down in Melbourne for my brothers wedding. We flew down on the Thursday afternoon and got home Sunday evening. It was Blake's first plane trip and he of course was an angel, Cooper on the other hand, arrggghhhh!! Actually he was really quite good, especially on the way down because my parents and my younger brother Dylan all got the same flight so he had plenty of us to occupy him. Still doesn't make it fun though. Flying with a 2 1/2 year old was never going to be easy but made a heck of a lot harder when Mummy had to hold Blake for taking off and landing and he wanted Mummy cuddles. Oh the joys of little boys!! Luckily we had plenty of bribes, I mean food and also his colouring in books which kept him happy for all of ten minutes.
Anyway we got in to Melbourne airport and found our hire car and headed straight to Nornies who is Luke's grandmother. We were staying with her in Vermont South which was only about 25 mins from my brothers house so quite handy. The boys went straight to bed after some dinner and we were able to relax for the night. It was lovely for Nornie because she still hadn't met her 2nd great grandson, she was over the moon. She loves the boys dearly.
On the Friday morning we headed over to my brothers house only to find out that almost the entire wedding party had come down with Gastro. Yes two days before the wedding they were all very sick. So we steared clear of the house and headed out to lunch with Mum & Dad and then hit the shops to get a few things. Mum & Dad and my brother were actually staying at the hotel where the wedding reception was being held so they needed a few supplies. We then met up with everyone that night for dinner at this amazing child friendly tavern just out of Heidelberg. Cooper had a ball playing with all the kids and of course barely touched his dinner because it was far too exciting to eat.
We awoke on Saturday morning thanking our lucky stars that none of us were sick. I was a stressed out mess worrying that Cooper or Blake might get this horrible Gastro. How much fun would have that been heading home on the plane with both boys vomitting arrgghhh!! But it was not to be, positive thoughts Rebekah, positive thoughts. We headed in to our hotel around lunch time after saying our goodbyes to Nornie and booked in and started getting ready. I could tell Dad was super nervous as he was petrified at making his speech. Although considering how nervous he was he did a great job.
The wedding ceremony was just beautiful and I was so extremely proud of my brother, he looked so gorgeous all done up in his suit and his bride Vikki certainly looked amazing herself. My niece Myah was their flower girl, she did a great job and well my nephew Hamish was so upset because he couldn't got to his Mum & Dad that someone had to take him out of the room, poor wee man. So despite Gabriel's bestman being in hospital on the morning of the wedding on a drip and getting morphine, the bride's mother not coming to the ceremony because she was just so sick, one of the bridesmaids being so sick that she could barely hold her head up it was a great day (chuckle chuckle)
So we danced, drinked and laughed the night away and despite all the mishaps and vomit it was a lovely evening. Blake stayed with us at the reception in his pram and bopped away to the music happily. Cooper stayed for dinner and then Luke's cousins who absolutely adore him, came and stayed with him back in the hotel room so that he could go to sleep when he wanted. We were so grateful and they had a heap of fun with Cooper keeping them entertained with his many antics.
Here are some memories from the weekend!
Cooper in his tux, my little man looks so grown up

My sweet little niece Myah

The happy couple

Preventing the gastro outbreak, gotta laugh - if you don't you may cry