I sit here at almost 38 weeks pregnant with our Baby B and with much regret that I haven't documented this pregnancy no where near as much as I would have liked. Life with a toddler sure is busy but that's really no excuse. I can't believe in perhaps 2 weeks time we will have another precious baby boy to love and adore. Where has this 9 months gone ??
I wanted to add these gorgeous shots that we had taken with Cooper and the 'bump' back at 34 weeks. Hopefully i'll have the proper shots back some time this week.

This is my latest contribution to my belly pics, taken at 37 weeks. I'm starting to really feel like a beached whale. I'm worried Greenpeace might come and try and save me from being harpooned.
Beck, those photos are glorious!!! You look amazing! Am so jealous because I never did get around to getting lovely shots of my toddler & belly!
I hope the last two weeks or so glide past in a dreamy, lovely manner!
xx Averil
Beck, your belly is gorgeous!
Glad to see you back blogging too.
Keep it up so I can stalk you please.
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